
Franziska Holzner ist diplomierte Kommunikations-Designerin, M.A. der Kunstwissenschaft und Philosophie sowie promovierte Designwissenschaftlerin. In ihrem Atelier ganz oben auf dem Jungfernkopf arbeitet sie multidisziplinär in den Bereichen Theorie & Praxis der Gestaltung, Heimatdesign, Raum- & Buchstabengestaltung.

Franziska Holzner is a designer, writer and artist. She runs her studio in the ‘documenta-city’ Kassel, Germany. She interweaves the methods of transformation design into her design work and has accompanied various organisations and companies in their communication and transformation processes. The emphasis of her research is based on a design discipline introduced by herself: Heimatdesign. Her focus as an artist lies in the establishment of a new culture of birth and coming-into-this world. She is a passionate legume gardener and ‘self-provider’.